Monday, August 6, 2012

Ready to Roll - Websites for any Occasion

Like many teachers, I find myself waiting out the summer wondering where I will be come the first day of school.  After the referendum went down in our district, many teachers were let go - starting with those of us who had not yet received tenure.  I have spent the summer applying for positions and visiting schools.  To make sure that I am not to far behind when I do land a position, I have been trying to get going on projects that will help me regardless of where I end up this fall.  My big project has been creating a new website.  I actually have three started - I want to make sure that I have one that fits a particular situation.  Here's a screen shot of one of them:

It's a google site, so not too difficult to figure out for bloggers.  I made the banner by following directions at .  I wish I could remember which blog I found this on!  I made a color pallet and design for the banner at, and did my text overlay on picmonkey - a little different than the tutorial did.  All three are pretty similar, just different designs.  I'm ready to jump into any situation!

I'm also working on some literacy and math manipulative activities, and I will post as soon as they are complete.  Message me if you want any help.  Hope you can use this info!

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