Sunday, July 8, 2012

Summer Organization: A head start or just catching up?

Now that the newness of summer is wearing off, I am ready to jump into next school year.  Since I am still looking for a new school to call home, I decided to do some organizing to make sure I'm ready when something comes along.  Last year I kept most of my original copies of lessons and activities in file cabinets.  My system was not ideal, and it seemed like I was always looking for something ten minutes longer than I should have been.  When it came time to pack up and move out, my file folder system was even more of a pain.  Now I have so many important plans and activities that seem to be all over the place.  A while back I had seen a system that another teacher had devised using binders.  The teacher's name is Amanda Terhune, and her blog is called "Mrs. Terhune's First Grade Site."  Brilliant.  I used her idea and developed a system of my own.  I made binders for different subject areas so that I can store the various activities all in one place.  It really does make so much more sense to me to have a more portable and easily accessible system.  Now I feel like I'm getting ahead of the game, rather than just catching up from last year.  Here are some pics:

I also made spine labels:

I'm already starting to file items, which makes me feel like I'm ahead of the game.  I also made binders for fall, winter, spring, summer, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Years, and Valentines/St. Patrick's Day.  The school I worked at this past year allowed activities that celebrate the commercial aspects of various holidays, so I found that I had quite a few activities related to these occasions.  I wanted to keep them separate from the basic seasonal activities for convenience.  Sorry I don't have pictures of those ones!  

I can already see how this system will make it so much easier to find what I need, not to mention that the portability of the system will make it easier to stay organized when moving items around.  I would love to hear what you all think, especially if you have used a system like this.  Have a great week!Pin It